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Super Synthetic Turf   
Naturomulch, LLC      
  Playground Synthetic or Artificial Turf/Grass Surfacing

People use different playground surfacing depending on their needs and budget. Playgrounds are mostly associated with Daycares, Schools, Churches, ISD, Cities, Counties, Apartment Complex, Restaurants, Residential, Businesses, and more.

There are two major types of playground surfacing 1) Unitary Playground Surfacing and 2) Loose Fill Playground Surfacing.

1. Unitary Playground Surfacing: - Unitary materials are generally Rubber Mats, Tiles, and Poured in place rubber.
Although, Artificial or Synthetic     Turf/Grass is     not listed in CPSC guideline booklet, it is a new generation of Unitary Playground Surfacing.

2. Loose Fill Playground Surfacing: - Engineered Wood Fiber (EWF) which is very similar to regular landscaping mulch but EWF is specially designed for     playground safety surfacing. Pea Gravel, Sand, Shredded and recycled Rubber Mulch are loose fill playground surfacing available in the market.

3. Asphalt, Concrete, Dirt, Grass, Chromated Copper Arsenate (CCA) treated wood products are inappropriate materials for playground surfacing and not allowed     as per CPSC Guidelines.

Advantages of installing Synthetic or Artificial Turf/Grass

1. Synthetic or Artificial Turf/Grass once installed, requires very little maintenance.
2. Do not have to worry about pulling weeds.
3. Do not have to worry about adding or replacing loose fill material every so often.
4. Quick drainage after rain or use of water.
5. Easy to repair.
6. Does not need replacement for 10 years or more once installed.
7. ADA Accessible. Meets all ASTM requirements for playground surfacing.
8. Do not have to worry about mold/fungus growth.
9. Provides adequate fall height to meet State Compliance with installation of proper cushioning.
10. Available in different colors and textures.

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